Archives For Sculpture

Using a large lens and a lot of hard work PATRICK JACOBS creates entire miniature dioramas all by hand.


all images above via the artists web site

 this image via :

The photography world was introduced to Hiroshi Sugimoto work via his Dioramas and long exposures of films in movie Theaters.  But Sugimoto was always after bigger game. Part scientist and part Shinto priest, part photographer and part sculptor. His subjects range from visualizing mathematical formulas to architecture, clothing and even designing Shinto Shrines.  For me it seems what he is really after is finding a way to capture the infinite…

See the excellent PBS piece of this singular artist speak about his work here and his work at Pace Gallery here.

via Pace Gallery

Reminding us of Duane Hanson’s work of hyper-realistic sculpture injected with steroids Mueck learned his technique making props in the advertising industry.  Now he shocks people in major art museums.





See the documentary about his junk yard work and how he helped a community as well as his talk on TED.  (All students should view the TED talk)