Installation study for Untitled #11. Zen meets Zen in this installation study for my Untitled #11 photograph from the Nature Morte Series. Thanks to #studiobrentlee for the gorgeous interior design.
All Things Art & Photography
Installation study for Untitled #11. Zen meets Zen in this installation study for my Untitled #11 photograph from the Nature Morte Series. Thanks to #studiobrentlee for the gorgeous interior design.
I get lots of question regarding my “Entropic” process I use in my developing process to make my unique black and white prints. Most folks think Entropy is only about the Second Law of Thermodynamics. But for me it’s the fundamental law of the universe that affects everything in the universe including time. Thanks to the folks at minutephysics who give a very quick, fun and easy explanation of why this is true and why this plays such a huge part in my darkroom process which you can see here and here. It’s important to understand my prints look the way they do only because of Entropy as the silver particles are being torn to bits by the time I am done with them. My prints are literally getting destroyed in the very act of creating them. They are all but small maps of the universal constant we all experience every day.
Why Entropy Is at the Heart of my Art