All Things Art & Photography
This is the first known painting by Michelangelo, described by his earliest biographers and believed to have been painted when he was twelve or thirteen years old!!!
Michelangelo’s First Painting at age 13
September 10th – October 15th 2016
Opening Reception – September 10th 3:30 to 6:00
Exhibition: Dean Dass @ Schmidt Dean Gallery
Most photographers don’t spend a lot of time thinking about constructing an image. Good painters on the other hand spend a great deal of time planning, sketching and sweating the composition and in Disiderio’s case meaning. For me this is what separates the realist painters; How they think about and express meaning in their imagery. Vincent Desiderio is a great example of the amount of shear work, toil, sweat and thought that goes into the creation of one of his works.
Excellent Article On his legendary painting Sleep: Unfinished: On Vincent Desiderio’s ‘Sleep’ by Lawrence Weschler
Interview here: http://paintingperceptions.com/featured-interviews/interview-with-vincent-desiderio
Nice article here: http://www.nccsc.net/legacy/vincent-desiderio
The Work of Vincent Desiderio
One of our country’s greatest portrait painters passed away recently. Nelson Shanks was also Philadelphia’s own. Students came from all over the world to attend his school which was just a block around the corner from me. A monumental mind with a monumental talent who touched everyone from dignitaries to students throughout his life. This self portrait was one of his last apparently.
There is no obituary that can possibly capture this man. Here are a few that make a good attempt:
Nelson Shanks 1937-2015