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ASMP takes a hard look at Instagram

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The future is here and apparently in San Francisco and Glasshole is now our newest official addition to the English language.

Gary Scteyngart is not a glasshole but a writer for the New Yorker and was awarded a pair of Google Glass’s. This is kind of like giving Woody Allen a pair and turning him loose on the city… but he is one of the first 100 people in NYC who own a pair. He gives a pretty good “normal guy” account of what it means to wear them all day and how it has affected his life in a pretty big way. Hint: You don’t want to give one to your kid and if you do after reading this you can be a proud member of the worse parent of the year club.

“Before I leave, Aray and I have a Google “hangout.” We essentially swap identities. I see what she sees through her Glass, which is me. She sees what I see through my Glass, which is her. We bring our faces closer, as if approaching a mirror, but the feeling is more akin to being trapped in an early Spike Jonze movie or thrust into an unholy Vulcan mind meld.”

via The New Yorker

Right now you are breaking a federal law if you use  an unmanned aerial photography drone for any commercial purposes near people. Until the FAA allows it you can not fly a UAS except over unpopulated areas (where the kids / Dads fly model airplanes). Put a camera on it and things get even more tricky given restrictions Washington is weighing presently.  So be careful with those business plans and where you put your money until the FAA figures this out and don’t forget your liability insurance does not cover illegal activity.

Here is a hint of what the folks at the FAA are thinking:

“… operations in civil airspace have different priorities. Civil performance standards are often more stringent, especially in the areas of reliability. Public expectation for a safe aviation environment drives our very high standards.”

“Currently, there are no means to obtain an authorization for commercial UAS operations in the NAS. However, manufacturers may apply for an experimental certificate for the purposes of R&D, market survey and crew training.”

Translation: You are going to pay a boat load of money to get an FAA approved UAS to fly over populated areas for commercial uses. Not only will you have to get FAA approval for the aircraft but for the guidance and control system as well. Not to mention the training. And guess what there are no FAA training areas set up at this point for you to be properly trained.

FAA site:


Really excited about this new printing technology as it will fundamentally change how silver prints are made and more importantly what can be imagined in black and white photography.  (I am currently testing these guys)

Testing of Durst Processing of Illford Black and White Paper

(Select printing in the search field and type in Durst)

How to sync the singer’s lips in a time lapse video? It is not easy folks…I love time lapse work but this is something no one has figured out until now. As with most hard things it’s all blood, sweat and tears (for 24hrs!)