Archives For Art

Exhibition: Thomas Brummett Of Earth, Heaven and Light

Galerie Karsten Greve, Cologne, Germany

January 19th to April 1, 2017



At Galerie Karsten Greve

Thomas Brummett Photography Exhibition: Of Earth Heaven & Light


You are cordially invited to my exhibition:

Of Earth, Heaven, and Light  

Selections of over 40 works from the Series Light Projections  & Infinities

Download the Catalog Essay by Lynn Gamwell here.

Galerie Karsten Greve
November 5 – December 30, 2016
Opening reception November 5th from 6pm to 8pm
Galerie Karsten Greve 5, Rue Debelleyme 75003 Paris









Thomas Brummett Paris Exhibition


September 10th  – October 15th 2016

Opening Reception – September 10th  3:30 to 6:00

Schmidt Dean Gallery



Exhibition: Dean Dass @ Schmidt Dean Gallery

As always with the big art fairs you have to wade through the bad and ugly to find the good (or in my case something with a quality transcendence).

A couple of works that stick (way) out from the pack from the Parcours Projects at Art Basel 2016 (which are all the big installation works all over town). The Allan McCollum Shapes Project Spinoffs 2005-2016 is a real knockout as well as Bernar Venet’s Arcs in Disorder

Art Basel in Europe
Basel, June 16 to19, 2016


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Parcours Projects Art Basel 2016

A must see retrospective exhibition by a remarkable and mercurial artist. A rare chance to see some of his best work.

“I can’t stand art actually. I’ve never, ever liked art.” So the artist David Hammons told the art historian Kellie Jones in a 1986 interview. Then why do you make it? Ms. Jones asked. Because, Mr. Hammons offered, art is about symbols and “outrageously magical things happen when you mess around with a symbol.” (via New York Times article).

David Hammons: Five Decades” runs through May 27 at Mnuchin Gallery, 45 East 78th Street, Manhattan; 212-861-7858, www.mnuchingallery­.com



Exhibition: David Hammons Five Decades