Archives For Art

Starting out as a petite local art blog Roberta Fallon and Libby Rosof’s award-winning work in covering the local scene is not only the best in Philly but a serious international art blog as well:


Best Art Blogs Series: Philadelphia

See the documentary about his junk yard work and how he helped a community as well as his talk on TED.  (All students should view the TED talk)












Amazing and diverse life long body of work…

Joan Fontcuberta is one of the most inventive contemporary photographers, with an over 30-year achievement of constantly investigating and questioning the photographic medium. His work is distinguished by original and playful conceptual approaches that particularly explore photographic conventions, means of representation and claims to truth. He challenges concepts of science and fiction in interdisciplinary projects that extend far beyond the gallery space.

via Hasselblad Foundation

Interview with him on Hasselblad’s web site

Joan Foncubeta’s web site

Longtime favorite in Philadelphia, owner’s Christopher Schmidt and Ilana Dean have an enlightened but no-nonsense approach when it comes to showcasing a wide range of work that is always interesting. Talking to them about art is like hanging out with the next-door neighbor you actually get along with. If you want to avoid the attitude that prevails in most “serious” art galleries this is the place that says “just come hang out”.









Best Galleries in Philadelphia Series: Schmidt Dean Gallery


Another Master who leaned towards the surrealistic side with his wide angel nudes and strange beach images. Bill Brandt could take the ordinary and always make it (some how) extraordinary.  Which is what making good pictures is all about.

Download a free sample of the catalog from Museum of Modern Art here

MoMA Link here