The Freefly Systems folks went out with a state of the art 6K Red Epic Dragon camera attached to a CineStar 8 and got some really nice winter footage. The Canon shift lens gives it the out of focus / small scale look. This is a very expensive camera to put on a rig like this. ( All drones fall out of the sky on a regular basis FYI). (If their insurance company knew they would probably discontinue their coverage…LOL) Watch it in HD on big monitor.
Red Epic Dragon
Canon TS-E 24mm F/3.5L Tilt Shift Lens
Leica 50mm F/2 Summicron Lens
Leica 90mm F/2 Summicron LensAircraft
CineStar 8
Synapse Flight Controller
MōVI MR stabilized camera gimbalGear
SmallHD AC7 monitors
Paralinx Tomahawkvia Freefly Systems
Red Epic Dragon Footage