Hasselblad 503CW to cease production

April 29, 2013 — Leave a comment

Most of the world’s greatest pictures were taken with this member of the legendary V-System.  All of my fine art images were shot on these classic all metal workhorses. Why?

  • Because you can switch out a film back for a digital back in about 1 min and it takes the sharpest medium format images on the planet.
  • Because the viewfinder could be looked at from a distance or up close, allowing you compose like no other 35mm camera.
  • Because all controls are on the camera (and not buried in some badly designed menu where you can never find the settings you are looking for. (See all 35mm DSLR’s for this wonderful design flaw).
  • Because the square format is loved by those who know you get both a vertical and horizontal crop without turning your camera sideways.
  • Because it can also shoot film which is still the best storage/capture medium of all time.
  • Because the camera and all the lenses were handmade by camera perfectionists.

Yet another sad day for top pro equipment… sigh…


via the Hasselblad Web site

Hasselblad 503CW to cease production

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