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“People aren’t the apex species they think they are. Other creatures-bigger, smaller, slower, faster, older, younger, more powerful-call the shots, make the air, and eat sunlight. Without them, nothing.” From The Overstory by Richard Powers
I have been drawn to trees all my life and have photographed them extensively over the years. (see the Nocturnes and The Murmur prints) After reading The Overstory now I know why; Trees are incredibly social and wise beings yet humans are somehow far too ignorant to grasp this scientific fact. No one dares to ask why after a walk in the woods they feel better. It’s because you’re with living social beings who contain a quarter of your genetic makeup. They are your family and you should treat them that way.
I was very luck to see Árbol del Tule (The Tree of Tule). It is a tree located on the grounds the town center of Santa María del Tule in the Mexican state of Oaxaca. It is a Montezuma cypress (Taxodium mucronatum), or ahuehuete (meaning “old man of the water” in Nahuatl). The age is at least 3,000 years. It has the stoutest (widest) trunk of any tree in the world. (The next widest tree is a Giant Sequoia with a 8.98 m (29.5 ft) diameter). The DNA was tested to confirm it is one living being and not a group of trees. In 2001 it was placed on a UNESCO tentative list of World Heritage Sites. This tree gives off an immense amount of energy and no doubt why a chapel was built right next to it.
The Tree of Tule is still growing…
I get lots of question regarding my “Entropic” process I use in my developing process to make my unique black and white prints. Most folks think Entropy is only about the Second Law of Thermodynamics. But for me it’s the fundamental law of the universe that affects everything in the universe including time. Thanks to the folks at minutephysics who give a very quick, fun and easy explanation of why this is true and why this plays such a huge part in my darkroom process which you can see here and here. It’s important to understand my prints look the way they do only because of Entropy as the silver particles are being torn to bits by the time I am done with them. My prints are literally getting destroyed in the very act of creating them. They are all but small maps of the universal constant we all experience every day.
Why Entropy Is at the Heart of my Art
The World Court found Japan guilty of illegally harvesting whales under the pretense of “scientific study”.
Japan has refused to stop.
It’s also true for countless dolphins who are brutally murdered for their flesh by an Industry funded by the Japanese Government. On Friday, February 13th, the world will visit every Japanese Embassy in a peaceful protest. This protest is sponsored by folks at Sea Shepherd who have been waging a navel war with the Japanese for years. Find a protest close to you and send Japan a message the world is watching.
On Friday February 13, 2015, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, Sea Shepherd’s Cove Guardians and supporters around the world will join together for the second annual “World Love for Dolphins Day,” to hold peaceful demonstrations against Taiji, Japan’s brutal capture and slaughter of dolphins. On the eve of Valentine’s Day, thousands of people will bring the world’s love and reverence for dolphins to Japan’s doorstep at Japanese embassies and consulates across the United States and overseas.
Demonstrations begin outside the following locations at 12:00pm ET/PT and end at 1:00pm ET/PT unless otherwise noted below. Please check the times for your demo location:
Wells Fargo Center, Suite 2700
1300 S.W. 5th Ave
Portland, OR 97201
601 Union Street, Suite 500
Seattle WA 98101-4015
Los Angeles
350 South Grand Ave, Suite 1700
Los Angeles CA 90071-3459
1225 17th Street, Suite 3000
Denver CO 80202-5505
2 Houston Center Building
909 Fannin Street
Suite 3000
Houston TX 77010
Washington DC (12pm-2pm ET)
Meeting at DuPont Circle Metro station 12pm and marching to Embassy of Japan DuPont Circle Metro
1525 20th St. NW
Washington, DC 20008
New York
Consulate-General of Japan in New York
299 Park Ave, 19th Floor
New York NY 10171-0025
San Francisco (10:00 AM – 2:00 PM PT)
275 Battery Street, Suite 2100
San Francisco, CA 94111
Boston (12pm-2pm ET)
Federal Reserve Plaza, 22nd Floor
600 Atlantic Avenue
Boston, MA 02210
Phipps Tower, Suite 850
3438 Peachtree Road
Atlanta, GA 30326
1742 Nuuanu Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96817-3201
11 South Meridian Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204
737 North Michigan Avenue #1100
Chicago, IL 60611
80 Southwest 8th Street #3200
Miami, FL 33130
Dallas (11am-2pm CST)
Dealy Plaza
Dallas, TX
World Love for Dolphins Day
My work will be auctioned in London this week for International Rescue Committee
***UPDATE: The print sold at Auction for £2,000 which as agreed with IRC the following 4 prints in the edition will be sold for that amount. I will donate portion of sales after expenses on remaining 4 prints. The print can be purchased on my web site here: http://www.studio-4a.com/-/ttrdp/jobs/international-rescue-committee-print
Article in Financial Times with links ( and more info below): http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/2/e95d93dc-6b1f-11e4-be68-00144feabdc0.html#slide25
International Rescue Committee Print
Nocturne #6 (Special Edition Print) by Thomas Brummett
17.5×40″ or 44×101 cm Silver Gelatin Fiber Based Print.
This print will be in an edition of 5. The first print will be auctioned off in London which will set the price for the following 4.
With the following 4 prints the artist will donate 50% of all sales (less expenses) to International Rescue Committee.
How to bid
This year bidding will include absentee bids as well as live bids on the evening. Bidding will open at midday (12pm GMT) on Wednesday November 26 and close on 4pm (GMT) on Wednesday December 3.
The highest absentee bid will have a representative who will make a bid on your behalf.
Absentee bids
Bidding is open for absentee bids. To register, please email contactus@rescue-uk.org or 44 (0)20 7692 2751 with your full name, mobile phone number, landline number, email address, lot title and your maximum bid.
We will call you to finalise your registration and payment details if you are the highest bidder.