The Exhibition: Boris Mikhailov Four Decades is a 40 year small but knockout survey of one of the most famous Russian photographers alive. See the reality of a failed empire through the eyes of an artist.
Tamas Dezso is attempting to document the changing life of post communist Eastern Europe. He looks at his projects from a long-term perspective that is rare today. His photographs are both lyrical and deeply moving.
ifTTT stands forIf This Then That Thatand is one of those sites that looks simple but makes profound connections between just about anything you want to do, schedule, remind or post. Think icon based scripts for all your to do lists and every site on the Internet. Think automatic everything. If you want to stop repeating posts to all your social networks IfTTT can do it in heartbeat – but that is just the beginning. See the examples below to help understand this service has endless possibilities. Warning: some of these apps ask for too many permissions to your information.
ITunes sells more music than anyone on the planet. They put just about every music store out of business with their new model of single song sales for .99. ( The same thing happened in the photo world via Getty Images and Shutterstock) In other words all the profit for most artists on this planet is now going into the hands of corporate America.
Beyonce did something that has never been done on iTunes. She struck a deal to release a full length album with not a .99 cent single to be found – anywhere. In other words for the first time in years you have to purchase an entire album to hear her new music. She did this without so much as a tweet of advertising and something no record company would of allowed. Now granted this album contains 18 videos as well – she wanted to do a visual album was how she put it (and of course she was influence by the last person to attempt anything this big which was her king; Michael J). One has to mention the millions of dollars that were spent to do this kind of thing is not within any normal musicians reach or reality. So can this be repeated by anyone else on the planet? Not really I am afraid…
What does this suggest for the future of music and images on the web? We have to wait and see but still it gives some hope to all visual content now being devalued on the web. Maybe photography has to create musical content to sell a still image? Maybe it’s all going to a video/music combo hybrid? What ever the new paradigm is it involves adding lots of expensive content to get a $15.99 sale apparently. That would be more bad news for the artists everywhere, musical or visual.
Peter Beard has spent his life fighting for the natural world. He knows more about the effects of man on nature than just about any other human being alive. (except for maybe George Monbiot , Jane Poynter or Bernie Krause ) He also just happens to be one of the great image-makers of all time. (His notebooks are legendary). Great interviews; one short and one long by Lars Bruun and Dereck Peck. Spend 30 min with a real genius and true warrior.
On Mankind: “…(Da Vinci) knew that only the creature that could appreciate all this beauty comes on the scene and sure enough, destroys what only what he can appreciate…”
On learning from the elephants: “…The entire ecology of the elephant is more similar to us than any other animal. What have they done to their habitat? They ate it, they trampled it, they died. You would think we would take a hint from their demise… “