Archives For How To

Yes world wide web you have to pay to play…



Photographer Awarded $1.6 Million Dollars for Copyright Infringement

Andrew Paul Leonard is a professional photographer who specializes in creating images of microscopic subject matter using a scanning electron microscope (“SEM”). In 1995, Leonard created photographs of human bone marrow stem cells.

Stemtech Health Services is a direct sales company that markets and sells nutrition supplements on its own and through independent distributors. Leonard filed suit against Stemtech in 2008 for direct copyright infringement for ”using, copying, and displaying” his photos on websites, in publications, and in video presentations and for contributory and vicarious copyright infringement for display of his photos on websites of various distributors of Stemtech’s products.

Because Leonard did not register the copyrights to his photos until after the infringements at issue started, he wasn’t eligible for statutory damages. However, after 5 long years of litigation, a jury awarded Leonard $1.6 million dollars in actual damages on October 11, 2013.  Congrats to Leonard for protecting his copyrights!


Photography Business: Kings Without Kingdoms

Paul Melcher works for Stipple as a VP of Business Development.  He writes a blog called, Thoughts of a Bohemian. A Bohemian he is far from but he has been in the photo industry for years and knows of what he speaks.  In your Photography Business are you now one of the Kings without  Kingdoms?

Today, after the arrivals of the corporates who dumped images at fixed pricing and the rise of non professional photography, the walls have fallen. For good. Forever. However, most continue to believe that this is a passing storm and that all will return to normal ( at least what they think is normal). Some continue to believe that without their content, businesses cannot function. Some even take a very condescending attitude about it. As if they were sitting on a throne, ignoring the fact that their kingdom is no more.

My Walker Percy Quote

September 18, 2013 — Leave a comment

There are quotes everyone should live by and carry with them through life. This is one of my favorites and why I make pictures.

“The search is what anyone would undertake if he were not sunk in the everydayness of his own life. To become aware of the possibility of the search is to be onto something. Not to be onto something is to be in despair.”

― Walker Percy

Walker Percy is a wonderful southern writer and author of the The MovieGoer which won the National Book Award and was listed by Time Magazine as one of the  100 Best English-language Novels from 1923 to 2005.


I saw his latest show in New York of painted photographs. His best work of a lifetime – at 80+


An Evening with Duane Michals
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Lecture by Duane Michals, 6:30pm
University of Pennsylvania
34th & Walnut Street, Meyerson Hall, B-3
Philadelphia, PA
FREE and Open to the Public

via The Print Center.


I’ve used a lot of different photographic techniques in the past thirty years. I realize there isn’t just one way to take a photograph, there are a thousand different ways—and that’s what I’ve taught the students. They should not insist on their beautiful Leica, or their Hasselblad, or whatever they use. The technique must result from the idea that you have—and you may have to develop your own technology to bring
 out the images. I’m not much interested in “straight” photography anymore. It has been practiced for more than 150 years, and most of it is too conventional. I’ve always wanted to go beyond the limits.

via Thomas Ruff – Interview with Aperture – Summer 2013 – “Curiosity” – Aperture Foundation NY.