Archives For How To

The “go to” lab for the really big pictures and exhibitions, Laumont Photographics does the printing, mounting and framing all under one roof. These are the best guys in New York and worth every penny if you are dealing in very large photographs for exhibition.


via the web site

Having horded Agfa Portriga Rapid 111 paper for years I now can breath a sigh of relief. Adox MCC 110 is the best paper on the market..Period.  It can only be purchased from Freestyle here


Designed to be the replacement for the late Agfa Classic 111 paper, ADOX Premium MCC 110 uses the same emulsion as the original Agfa, but on a neutral white paper base instead of the old warm base. Other than the whiter base, everything else about MCC 110 is exactly the same as Agfa Classic;

via the web site

The Golden Ratio or Golden Mean was first mentioned by Euclid and based on the Fibonacci sequence of numbers and found all throughout nature. It is the secret proportion to all things. The God Equation if you will. It has been used in Art and Design since as far back as the pyramids. Why? Because everything looks great when you use it!  Today in the modern world it is rarely taught for some reason.  As the saying goes, “there is an app for everything” and now you can use this app on your Iphone to make a really well composed picture. If you like to draw and you have 8 minutes, listen to this guy who teaches you what you will need to know. Don’t like the Golden Mean? Try the Rule of Thirds.




***There is also a program that overlays the golden ration onto any program you work in:

According to Adweek the best time to send marketing e-mail is on weekends. See article here.