How to recognize an Art Scam.. It all started with this message on my web site:
“Hello There,
My name is Jackson Banks from Washington DC. I actually observed my wife has been viewing your website on my laptop and i guess she likes your piece of work. I’m also impressed and amazed to have seen your various works too, You are doing a great job. I would like to purchase Two of your Artworks “NOCTURNE #6 & 12”, as a surprise to my wife on our anniversary. Also, let me know if you accept Check as mode of Payment. “
Thanks and best regards
Jackson. . (or )
Hi Jackson!
These are large works and two of my favorites. Give me your number and let’s talk about it.
Thomas Brummett
Dear Thomas,
“Thanks for the message, For now i can Only be reach
via Email, My computer will alert me as soon as i have an
incoming emails.. I must tell you I intend to give my wife a
surprise with the immediate purchase of the two piece. Also
If you’d like to know, I’m relocating to Canada soon
and our wedding anniversary is fast approaching. So I’m
trying to gather some good stuff to make this event a
surprise one. I am buying those piece as part of gifts to
her (quickly before someone else grabs it). Kindly email me
the asking price for both piece asap. I’ll be sending a
check. As regarding shipping, you don’t have to worry
about that in order not to leave any clue to my wife for the
surprise. as soon as you receive and cash the check, my
shipping agent (who is also moving my Truck and Properties)
will contact you to arrange for the pick-up. I would have
handled this much differently if I’d been at home but at
the moment, am on training voyage to the North Atlantic
Ocean, (I’m a Civil Marine Engineer) with new hires who
are fresh from graduate school and won’t be back for
another couple of weeks.”
Jackson Banks.
So this was the big tip off… Can’t talk on the phone ( always get a phone number) Further email showed the shipping guy would be paid by artist via an overpayment from the check. ( How they make money)
Long Story short…. I engaged the guy and let him spend money to send me a check.. ( I made him overnight it) When I got the check I had to laugh as this guy is apparently a complete Moron. (Don’t ever deposit these checks as its a federal offense). I just called the company (or the bank) to confirm funds.