Archives For Documentary

The Robots are coming and it’s not pretty…. Vincent Fournier spends his time thinking about technology, tweaked nature and how humans interface with this new world order. His series on Robots titled The Man Machine is wonderful and a bit frighting….

Don”t miss his new series Post Natural History

All Image via the artist web site

The Robot Photographs of Vincent Fournier

Tamas Dezso is attempting to document the changing life of post communist Eastern Europe. He looks at his projects from a long-term perspective that is rare today. His photographs are both lyrical and deeply moving.

via Robert Koch Gallery

The Photographs of Tamas Dezso

Peter Beard Interview

December 14, 2013 — Leave a comment

Peter Beard has spent his life fighting for the natural world.  He knows more about the effects of man on nature than just about any other human being alive. (except for maybe George Monbiot , Jane Poynter or Bernie Krause ) He also just happens to be one of the great image-makers of all time. (His notebooks are legendary).  Great interviews; one short and one long by Lars Bruun and Dereck Peck. Spend 30 min with a real genius and true warrior.

On Mankind: “…(Da Vinci) knew that only the creature that could appreciate all this beauty comes on the scene and sure enough, destroys what only what he can appreciate…”

On learning from the elephants: “…The entire ecology of the elephant is more similar to us than any other animal. What have they done to their habitat? They ate it, they trampled it, they died. You would think we would take a hint from their demise… “






I love this site. It just might be one of the best photo history web sites on line that is not a museum.  It’s a work in progress of blood, sweat and tears but progressing beautifully.

“Luminous-Lint is an online scholarly non-commercial resource that has been constructed collaboratively over the last eight years to share information on the history of photography worldwide. Over 2,300 people, estates and institutions have provided information: the website is robust, highly interconnected, and has over 10 million page views a year.”


Robert Adams Interview

November 4, 2013 — Leave a comment

The great photographer Robert Adams has become famous for documenting the American West. He reflects on the art world and what it means to make pictures today.