Archives For Design

The  famous “Walkie Talkie” building in London designed by Rafael Viñoly is being blamed for melting a parked jaguar. Apparently the intensely concave mirrored building was not tested for the obvious ability of creating a solar death ray (by concentrating the suns rays on small areas below).  Londoners call it the “Walkie Scorchie” phenomenon.  Apparently this is not the first building by the architect that has produced this effect. He has another in Las Vegas that managed to melt all the pool furniture on a hotel terrace.

 Image via the Evening Standard


Modeled on the teacher/apprentice model the beautiful Cranbrook Academy of Art is an art makers utopian dream where all students and teachers live and work on the same street in a stunning European village and park setting. Yearly, a mere 8-10 students are accepted in each department. Don’t be fooled by its good looks. Founded by Eliel Saarinen and George Booth it remains one of the most prestigious graduate programs in the country. A word to the wise; Students applying here should have a mature body of work under their belts.  Worth a day trip to see the Saarinen House and Cranbrook Museum. A shout-out to the Motor City!


via the web site



Saarinen House

Haeckel’s otherworldly illustrations of nature, both seen and unseen, are somehow Modern and Victorian all at the same time. They never seem outdated and a huge influence on my Nature Morte Series




In both his straight prints and groundbreaking composites his design sense and composition are truly impeccable. A true international modern master of light, shadow & line. His last exhibition: RAY K. METZKER  Composites 1964-2007 at Laurence Miller Gallery was incredible. You can still find many of his books here.
























Take one part Japanese brush painting tradition, one part Jackson Pollack’s gesture painting, mix with a little water and you get the work of  Shinichi Maruyama in this series titled Kusho