Archives For Thomas

For my daughter on this Fathers Day I give the gift of a 22 year old poet and very old soul to remind my kid that at the age of 6, after watching Cecilia Bartoli in this very performance, looked up at me and said, “Daddy that is what I use to do before I was a baby”.

Riley meet Sarah Kay who at the age of 5 took her mothers hand during the funeral of her Grandfather and said, “Don’t worry, he’ll come back as a baby.” Like you dear daughter she remembers the answers to our deepest questions, things most of us can only dream about and just like you she will permanently change all that come into her orbit.

Her incredible Ted Talk is here

Interview with Sarah Kay at On Being here

Hiroshima by Sarah Kay

“When they bombed Hiroshima, the explosion formed a mini-supernova, so every living animal, human or plant that received direct contact with the rays from that sun was instantly turned to ash.And what was left of the city soon followed. The long-lasting damage of nuclear radiation caused an entire city and its population to turn into powder.

When I was born, my mom says I looked around the whole hospital room with a stare that said, “This? I’ve done this before.” She says I have old eyes.

When my Grandpa Genji died, I was only five years old, but I took my mom by the hand and told her, “Don’t worry, he’ll come back as a baby.”

And yet, for someone who’s apparently done this already, I still haven’t figured anything out yet.

My knees still buckle every time I get on a stage. My self-confidence can be measured out in teaspoons mixed into my poetry, and it still always tastes funny in my mouth.

But in Hiroshima, some people were wiped clean away, leaving only a wristwatch or a diary page. So no matter that I have inhibitions to fill all my pockets, I keep trying, hoping that one day I’ll write a poem I can be proud to let sit in a museum exhibit as the only proof I existed.

My parents named me Sarah, which is a biblical name. In the original story God told Sarah she could do something impossible and she laughed, because the first Sarah, she didn’t know what to do with impossible.

And me? Well, neither do I, but I see the impossible every day. Impossible is trying to connect in this world, trying to hold onto others while things are blowing up around you, knowing that while you’re speaking, they aren’t just waiting for their turn to talk — they hear you. They feel exactly what you feel at the same time that you feel it. It’s what I strive for every time I open my mouth — that impossible connection.

There’s this piece of wall in Hiroshima that was completely burnt black by the radiation. But on the front step, a person who was sitting there blocked the rays from hitting the stone. The only thing left now is a permanent shadow of positive light. After the A bomb, specialists said it would take 75 years for the radiation damaged soil of Hiroshima City to ever grow anything again. But that spring, there were new buds popping up from the earth.

When I meet you, in that moment, I’m no longer a part of your future. I start quickly becoming part of your past. But in that instant, I get to share your present. And you, you get to share mine. And that is the greatest present of all.

So if you tell me I can do the impossible, I’ll probably laugh at you. I don’t know if I can change the world yet, because I don’t know that much about it — and I don’t know that much about reincarnation either, but if you make me laugh hard enough, sometimes I forget what century I’m in. This isn’t my first time here. This isn’t my last time here. These aren’t the last words I’ll share.

But just in case, I’m trying my hardest to get it right this time around.”

©Sarah Kay via TED



Apple borrows its new brilliant design from the dark star with The New Mac Pro

Bench Tests here

Check out the comparison before you buy… It’s not going to be an improvement for certain software applications….


In case you have not heard James Turrell is having 3 simultaneous retrospectives across the United States taking up over 20,000 square feet of exhibition space. Something no artist has ever been honored with at this scale.  There is a reason folks and this summer is your only chance to see these master ambient light works and learn more about his life long project Roden Crater. Great article on him at New York Times


via NYTimes

Angelo Musco creates work so vast and complex it is almost impossible to describe visually via the web. Using thousands of willing naked people he creates vast and complex imagery that speaks to God, creation and the infinite. I don’t know of anyone working today that is attempting anything on this scale in photography. Preview of the film on his methods below gives you an idea of just how hard these images are to make.

via the artists web site and Secrist Gallery





“This contest, which is targeted at students and emerging photographers, appears to be an effort to secure thousands of free images for unlimited use in publications and in advertising. For this reason, we believe this contest exploits photographers, and we strongly caution everyone to carefully review and understand all the terms and conditions along with the rights they are surrendering before entering any competition.”

via Photo Contest Warning! | Photo Attorney

Please email the panelist at links below and demand to know why they are involved in this mass rip-off of copyright!

Tomas Maier, Creative Director, Bottega Veneta; Ivan Shaw, Photography Director, Vogue; Linda Evangelista, Supermodel; Carlyne Cerf De Dudzeele, Fashion Editor & Stylist; Collier Schorr, Photographer; Pat McGrath, Makeup Artist; Andrew Bolton, Curator, Costume Institute at the Metropolitan Museum of Art; Craig McDean, Photographer; Doug Lloyd, Creative Director, Lloyd & Co; Guido Palau, Hair stylist; Yossi Milo, Gallerist and Jimmy Moffat, Founding Partner, Art & Commerce.

via Vogue

Want to do something about this?

2 judges have Facebook pages you can post to:

Email links:

Message Example:

To All,

Regarding the Vogue Photo contest you or your representatives are judging or promoting . It might be a good idea to distance yourself from this kind of exploitation.

I am sure you did not go into this knowing how bad it is for the young photographers who loose all copyright to their images and for the working pro’s as well (who would of been hired).

In my opinion all judges should step down or force Vogue to change the rules of the contest and allow all rights to remain in the hands of the artists. Until then this is a very ugly contest that only rewards big business at the expense of the young and talented.  Here is your chance to do good!

Sincerely mad as hell,

Your name here…