Archives For Thomas

How to Collect Art

June 22, 2013 — Leave a comment

Collect what you love and artists that you admire and want to support. Educate yourself so you know at least the bare minimum of what has been produced in the history of art so you know your not buying a copycat art (and quite possibly worthless).

I collect works that move me and from artists I respect and admire. The works also have what I call the “onion effect” which is the more you look, the more layers of meaning present themselves – (as if you are peeling an onion one layer of skin at time).

This is how I make images and this is how I collect but if I did not have years and years of education in the arts I would work with either a collector or a reputable gallery with years and years of experience.  They will save you a small fortune.

If you want to play with the big boys and girls how do you know if a gallery is good and established? Start with ArtNet which is THE site for the art establishment. If you are not on Artnet as a gallery or artist then you are probably not being collected or selling much collectable work. It is the only art world that matters and the only site you can not just “sign up” – and it’s a very small club whether we like it or not. Each major city in the world only has a few of these gallery’s in it. It’s where I go to find new galleries to sell my work and to look at artists and see what their work is going for.

The last place to learn is the major art fairs like Art Basel etc and satellite fairs that follow them. Here is where you can really see what is what. But again there is a ton of junk even at the highest levels. Once you develop an educated eye you can detect it. Until then find an expert and collect artists actually being collected by museums.



Stephen Daiter Gallery offers fine and vintage examples of important American and European photography from the 20th century. Our areas of specialty are avant garde, experimental, documentary and photojournalism. They include the Chicago School of Design, the Bauhaus, the Photo League, and the André Kertész Estate. Our exhibitions and publications have been by turns interesting, challenging, and controversial. Our publications have stressed fine printing and original scholarship and we delight in bringing art and artists to light that have been heretofore overlooked or unknown.

Daiter Contemporary presents recent work by young, as well as established mid-career artists. These artists reflect the ever changing ideas and looks of contemporary photography and push the rules of how photos are made as well as how they are looked at. Within a separate yet conjoined space Daiter Contemporary maintains a concurrent exhibition schedule alongside that of Stephen Daiter Gallery. Our joint goal is to present the viewing public an opportunity to enjoy the diverse range of photographic art that we represent.

via the gallery web site




Ironically Mr. Penone is known as the leading figure of the Arte Povera movement – meaning “poor art,” but there is nothing poor about these massive bronze sculptures that cost a small fortune to produce and install in this very beautiful exhibition at the Palace Versailles.


From 11 June to 31 October 2013, the Palace of Versailles hosts the Italian artist Giuseppe Penone for a major exhibition of contemporary art, Penone Versailles, presented mostly in the French formal gardens and also in the Palace itself.



Giuseppe Penone, Le Foglie delle radici via Palace of Versailles


Really moving live version

While many images are (for me) a little too detached and scientifically cool, Marten Lange’s series on the natural world titled Another Language is really wonderful and a great example of how to pace your images in a series and especially how the series becomes more important than each individual image. A great book to look at if you are thinking about how photographs work together and more importantly how they function as a language.


via the artist’s web site