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This was THE landmark photography exhibition of all time.  MoMA brings it back in all its glory.

Walker Evans American Photographs

July 19, 2013–January 26, 2014

This installation celebrates the 75th anniversary of the first one-person photography exhibition at MoMA, and the accompanying landmark publication that established the potential of the photographer’s book as an indivisible work of art. Together and separately, through these projects Walker Evans created a collective portrait of the Eastern United States during a decade of profound transformation—one that coincided with the flood of everyday images, both still and moving, from an expanding mass culture and the construction of a Modernist history of photography.

Comprising approximately 60 prints from the MoMA collection that were included in the 1938 book or exhibition, the installation maintains the bipartite organization of the originals: the first section portrays American society through images of its individuals and social contexts, while the second consists of photographs of American cultural artifacts—the architecture of Main streets, factory towns, rural churches, and wooden houses. The pictures provide neither a coherent narrative nor a singular meaning, but rather create connections through the repetition and interplay of pictorial structures and subject matter. The exhibition’s placement on the fourth floor of the Museum—between galleries featuring paintings by Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns, Jackson Pollock, and Andy Warhol—underscores the continuation of prewar avant-garde practices in America and the unique legacy of Evans’s explorations of signs and symbols, commercial culture and the vernacular.

via MoMA | Walker Evans American Photographs.

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Robert Therrien thinks big. He is a very famous artist who happens to show at Gaggoisian, yet no one really knows much of him. He is quiet, does not play the art game and lets his work speak for itself. He actually got his ideas crawling under furniture and taking photographs.  This summer he gets  a solo museum show….

Wednesday, July 3–Sunday, October 27, 2013


Mr. Therrien’s breakthrough came in 1992, when he returned to photography and began shooting the spaces under an old wooden table. He was fascinated by the object’s underside and by the hidden engineering made visible in the photos. “It would be perfect just to have that as a sculpture,” he recalls thinking. He set out to make a table that was so big that viewers could get a good look at its details, as they would in one of his photographs. The Brobdingnag object he ended up fabricating, which was 10 feet tall, became the first in a series of household goods that he has scaled up to three and a half times their normal size.

via the NYTimes

Only James Turrell would have a museum in the middle nowhere high on a plateau in Argentina (and built by the wine billionaire Donald Hess). Here is a short tour.





Long obsessed with nature Camille Seaman travels to the ends of the world to photograph the monumental and exquisitely beautiful series The Last Iceberg.

Don’t miss her tornado cloud series: The Lovely Monsters…

all images ©Camille Seaman