Archives For Thomas

Phylliss Galembo was born in New York but her heart rests in the the eerie depths of the masked ritual and masquerade cultures of Africa, South America and the Caribbean.  Her deceptively simple portrait work is astounding.


How to sync the singer’s lips in a time lapse video? It is not easy folks…I love time lapse work but this is something no one has figured out until now. As with most hard things it’s all blood, sweat and tears (for 24hrs!)

This new platform is  quite simply astounding. CrowdMedia just might change photo journalism forever with crowdsourcing news photography from anyone on the scene….

Interesting discussion regarding smartphone photojournalism with renowned photography theorist Fred Ritchin here

CrowdMedia’s premise is simple: Crowd sourced social photos shared on Twitter or Instagram are, more and more, becoming critically important to news coverage. So the startup offers an automated platform that gets those pictures out of social media and onto the front page of major news organizations, with rights cleared and money in the owner’s pocket … all within minutes.

“We want to completely crush today’s model of journalism,” co-founder and CEO Martin Roldan told me last night.

On June 7, literally 15 minutes after launching, the platform proved itself.

“There was a shooting incident at Santa Monica College, near where President Obama was. Within the first 15 minutes we were live,” Roldan said. “It was intense in the office.”

CrowdMedia’s platform, which combs through 150 million shared photos every day, searching for the .03 percent that are newsworthy, noticed the surge in attention, found the only photos from inside the locked-down Santa Monica college, cleared the rights with the student who took them, and sold them to publishers.

It’s not every startup that sees that instant kind of proof-of-concept. And the system, which is still in private pre-beta with a small group of media outlets, proved itself again last week during the Asiana crash at San Francisco airport.

“We got photos on the Huffington Post from people who were there,” Roldan said. “We caught these photos mostly by geolocation.”

via CrowdMedia sells everyone’s newsworthy Twitter pics — and could just change journalism forever | VentureBeat.

One of the few sculptors to have been Knighted by the Queen of England, Sir Anthony Caro at 89 shows he still has the goods…

“One of the most important things about sculpture is the way in which the viewer is invited to look at it. Whether she/he looks up, walks around it, whether it corkscrews like a Michelangelo or moves around like a Brâncuşi—the way in which it would be seen was governing how I approached the sculpture for Park Avenue”.
—Anthony Caro

via Anthony Caro – June 6 – August 23, 2013 – Gagosian Gallery.

Anthony Caro

Park Avenue Series
June 6 – August 23, 2013

6-24 Britannia Street
London WC1X 9JD
T. 44.207.841.9960 F. 44.207.841.9961
Hours: Tue-Sat 10-6