One of the many inspirations for my series Infinities, Australian Rock Art is one of the first attempts by man to describe the workings of the world in a multilayer image. For the Aborigines it was known as The DreamTime…

Australia has one of the most outstanding and diverse rock art records in the world. Rock art consists of paintings, drawings, stencils, engravings, bas-relief and figures made with the wax of native bees. It is found in caves and rock shelters, on rock platforms and boulders. From inner Sydney to the Pilbara, from Tasmania to the Top End of the Territory as many as 100,000 individual rock art sites are thought to still exist, with exciting new discoveries made each year. In this context the Place, Evolution and Rock Art Heritage Unit (PERAHU) was established at Griffith University in 2011. PERAHU is located within the School of Humanities and advocates multidisciplinary, multicultural and scientific approaches to rock art and cultural evolution research. PERAHU’s key aim is to promote excellence in Australian and international rock art, human evolution and place research across Australasia. PERAHU collaborates closely with Indigenous peoples wherever research is undertaken.
via Google Cultural Institute