Archives For Thomas

Deborah Butterfield has been making her signature horses for over 30 years. They are made out of found wood and then cast in Bronze. I never get tired of looking at her work. Below she explains her process at her exhibition in 2012 at La Louver Gallery.


via La Louver Gallery

Photography Business: Kings Without Kingdoms

Paul Melcher works for Stipple as a VP of Business Development.  He writes a blog called, Thoughts of a Bohemian. A Bohemian he is far from but he has been in the photo industry for years and knows of what he speaks.  In your Photography Business are you now one of the Kings without  Kingdoms?

Today, after the arrivals of the corporates who dumped images at fixed pricing and the rise of non professional photography, the walls have fallen. For good. Forever. However, most continue to believe that this is a passing storm and that all will return to normal ( at least what they think is normal). Some continue to believe that without their content, businesses cannot function. Some even take a very condescending attitude about it. As if they were sitting on a throne, ignoring the fact that their kingdom is no more.

Robert Adams Interview

November 4, 2013 — Leave a comment

The great photographer Robert Adams has become famous for documenting the American West. He reflects on the art world and what it means to make pictures today.


I am not a big fan of music videos but Arcade Fire really ups the anti in this glorious nod to the death of disco (and nice little rebirth of the band). Long live the mirror ball!



Self trained photographer Alex Prager makes stills (and films) based on the film stills of the Golden Years of Hollywood. Nice piece on her talking about her work. She is also having a big Exhibition at the Corcoran Gallery in November / 2013.