Excellent article about why you should join a Photography Cooperatives or Collective over at NPPA.
“The “dizzying” pace of change in the photography industry has pushed many photographers to seek ways to reorient their approaches to business and find firmer financial footing. Some have turned to photography cooperatives or collectives, joining forces with like-minded photographers to market their work, seek out assignments and support each other creatively.
The lone-photojournalist model is harder and harder to sustain. Challenges include increasing costs, decreasing revenue streams from traditional sources, such as magazines, newspapers and stock sales, and the need to call attention to your work in a world that is inundated with images from myriad sources.
The question: How do you meet the promotional, sales and administrative challenges of photojournalism today and still find time to develop project ideas, shoot and process your work?
The cooperative business model is an old one. Individual businesses with similar interests come together to sell their products more efficiently. They join forces in marketing and delivery, often under a single brand. They share in profits based on the participation of each member. The bottom line behind cooperatives is economic safety in numbers”….
via https://nppa.org/page/photography-cooperatives-and-collectives

Should You Join a Photography Cooperatives or Collective?